Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Text- Psalm 92:2 “To show forth thy Loving kindness in the morning, and thyFaithfulness every night”.
Introduction- Great is thy faithfulness oh Lord, morning by morning newmercies I see, all that I’ve needed your hand has provided, that’s a songI sing most solemn hours of my day, it reminds me of where the Lord hasbrought me from, and makes me set my eyes on the things He has called mefor, throughout my walk with God I’ve come to realize that all that keptme going was His faithfulness.
Life is a journey and as we set out forthis journey we are bound to meet some things that will release faith orfear from us, these two qualities decides whether you will win in life orbe defeated by life. Since Adam fell from the place God kept man, for I believe that the position of Adam before the fall is supposed to be theposition of all men, fear became inborn in every man, from our childhoodwe have always feared, but in the creation of man when God breathe intoman His Spirit I know too well that God did not breathe fear into man, for fear is not the nature of God. For the word says that man was made in the image and likeness of God, now the question is, how did man inherit fear? where did man get this stuff from, because during his creation this stuff was not in him, man was not created to be defeated, he was created to always win for that’s the nature of God imbedded into man but man has lostmore battles of his life than he has won, for the word says ‘he that feareth is not made perfect in Love…(1Jn4:18) in the same chapter of first John we are told that God is Love, in other words fear makes us imperfect in God, and Jesus says in Matt.5:48 ‘Be ye perfect as your heavenly father is perfect, fear is the greatest defeat of man, it is a realm where man believes that God cannot do it and he acts and talks like that, and there is a greater number of failure because of this mindset, man now fears everything, that’s why God sent us out to raise men from the realm of fear to the realm of faith where they believe that God can do it through Jesus.
All through the scripture God tells men ‘fear not’, no matter howmighty and powerful God is, the moment you begin to fear you make the word of God of no effect, He tells you fear not, even though the matter demands fear, He says fear not, one prayer I had always prayed is ‘Lord behold my fears’, I know that when I exhibit fear that’s theman in me seeking expression, but when I exhibit faith that’s the God in me, even when I try to let go God’s word over me He still holds and keeps His word, God’s faithfulness is in Him holding, keeping and seeing that His word comes through, even when I’m going through the nights of life, as a little child we dreaded the night because we believe that’s when demons work, basically in Africa where we have stories of people being beaten by demons and ghost in the night, so darkness represents fear of a high degree, a lot of fearful things are done in the nights even here in Europe, I remember walking in the night and looking back because of fear, see why God hates fear with passion, it makes a man look back, but I bring you a word this daythat no matter the challenge that’s causing fear all around you, remove your eyes from the fear and look to the faithfulness of God, whether you are afraid of the future, your marriage life, poverty, not completing your education, whatever your fears are, God is faithful even in the nights not just in the day, in whatever nightyour life shows up with, fear not, the faithfulness of God spans through the nights to bring you to a morning full of joy, I’m so sure that you will not end your journey in the night, I’ll see you in the morning, always know that even though you fail His word, He will not fail His word, He will keep His word no matter the circumstance or wherever life has situated you. As you go through your night see the light of His word bringing you to a glorious morning, the faith fullness of God is the unchangeability of God even in changing times, relatives may change, friends may change, situations of life may change but God and His word remains unchanging, Mal. 3:6 says “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed”, I say to you by the faithfulness of the Lord you shall not be consumed, you shall be preserved to tell the story of how the Lord brought you from the nights of your fear to a day of His faithfulness. Have faith in God.
Remain Blessed.
Sam Nmeholam
International Campus Crusades for Christ
ICCC Ukraine.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Text – Jonah 1:4
“But the Lord sent out a great wind into the sea, and
there was a mighty tempest in the sea, so that the ship was like to be

Introduction- One of the great mysteries of the morning is that it’s the
time of life when men present themselves before the Lord, for the
scriptures says about Elkanah, Hannah’s husband that they rose early in
the morning and worshiped the Lord, it’s significant because the morning
sets the tone for the day, if your morning is moody certainly you will
have events in the day that will make you moody, and the enemy knows much
about this so he attacks us first in the morning, for if he wins us in the
morning then he will certainly win us in the day, he that is defeated in
the morning is defeated in the day, when last did you rise in the morning
to worship, to draw strength from the throne and face the issues of the
day, whoever you are, do not just get up and rush out in the morning, just
have a break as soon as you are up from the bed and wash your face with
the bath of praise, brush your mouth with the scent of prayer and wash
your body with a thorough bath and cleansing of the word, as the Lord said
to Moses ‘And be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning unto
mount Sinai, and present thyself there to me in the top of the mount’. (Ex
34:2) The Lord is saying to you be ready every morning and come up, for
except you are ready in the morning you will not go up in the day, as you
see each morning in your life be sure that you present yourself to the
Lord, for when you present yourself to the Lord in the morning you carry
His presence throughout the day, great success and victory are functions
of His presence, when you carry His presence no other presence would be
able to stand before you, as He said to Joshua ‘As I was with Moses so I
will be with you, and no man shall be able to stand before you’ .(Jos.
1:5) whatever that has stood against you all this years and months by the
reason of His presence they shall no longer have such strength to stand
before you in Jesus Name.

From our text this morning we have the story of a man sent out by
the Lord to go and preach to a city but he objected, and choose to
walk away from the presence of the Lord and not do that which the
Lord has asked him to do, what are you objecting from the Lord,
Jonah forgot the Omnipresence of God, that He is everywhere and sees
all men alike, it doesn’t really matter where you are, the Lord
knows you and He sees you, most times what the Lord is asking you to
do may not be wise in your own mind, but the truth is no man in his
natural sense has ever found wisdom in anything that God says, they
appear foolish, that’s why I keep saying that if what God wants you
do is foolish to you, please do it foolishly, Jonah flee, I’m really
keen about this word FLEE, because each day we find young men
leaving undone what they ought to do, they run away from
responsibility, not knowing that a man without responsibility is
irresponsible, when God gives you a responsibility it’s for you to
respond to His abilities in you, don’t run like Jonah, for when you
run, you will have God and all of creation to contend with, are you
sure that the things going wrong now in your life are not as a
result of your disobedience, the Lord may have asked you to give but
you are trying to shift it, and things are getting so tight with
your finances, for the scripture says ‘But the Lord sent out a
great wind into the sea…, where is the wind in your life, others may
be going through hard times just because one single man has refused
to obey the Lord, when the Lord says ‘flee fornication…’ and you
refuse, you are not just making your destiny impossible, you are
also making the destinies of men who are connected to you
impossible, Jonah caused his wind, for if he had obeyed there would
be no wind against him and the people with him, you might just be
setting a great wind against your life, and even if the enemy is
trying to set up the wind against you and make the sea rough in any
area of your life, I bring you a word, His will is in the Wind, the
wind will end up fulfilling His word over you, for He says in Psalm
148:8 ‘… stormy wind fulfilling His word’, whatever the wind in your
life I see it fulfilling God’s word in your life, Amen. If the wind
is so strong in your life just cry out like Jonah and be obedient
for no man wins the Lord, the issues of life will win you, the wind
will win you, but if you return to the Lord this day like Jonah
returned I assure you of a great restoration of everything the wind
and Katrina of life destroyed in your life. Whatever is causing the
wind whether you or the devil just know that His will is in the
Wind. You have a great day and I pray that every wind in your life
making it hard for you to sail receive the calmness of God.

Sam Nmeholam

International Campus Crusades for Christ.

Monday, March 10, 2008

More of You, Lord.

Text- Acts 2:17

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith the
Lord, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, and young men shall see visions, and your old
men shall dream dreams”

INTRODUCTION -Beloved what a great morning, indeed this is your day, you
are alive this day to experience all that the Lord has put into it, in
this day there is a miracle for you, in this day there is victory for
you, in this day there is joy for you even though you’ve being through a
lot that no body knew, I assure you that the Lord knows, that’s why when
He was creating the day He put joy and gladness into it, for the
scripture says ‘This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be
glad in it,(Ps 118:24) Dear this is the day the Lord has made, and you
and I know too well that God cannot make anything that will cause us
sorrow and tears, for the scripture says ‘And God saw that it was
good(Gen1:31), this is the day the Lord has made, keep saying it no
matter how the enemy wants to make you sad and teary in it, in the face
of fierce adversity say it, when the doors of life seem to be shut
against you say it, for all that happens in life happens within a day,
whatever that will happen to you happens within 24 hours, 24 hours could
shape or break your life.

From our text above the apostle began reacting to the accusations of
men that they were drunk, for how could a man suddenly begins to
speak in the language he has not learned, have you ever done anything
that men misunderstood, and went on to make conclusions about you
just because you are fulfilling a prophecy which they are ignorant
of, men are amazed when they see people manifest some supernatural
virtues for which of all their mental strength can not fathom, when a
man carries the more of God, he attracts the more of men, all that
happened to the Apostles was that at that point in time they were
carrying the more of God, for the promise of the father has just been
released upon them, Dear I see the promise of the father been
released upon you this day, it will cause you to do amazing things,
things never imagined in your mind or in the people who know you,
they will wake up to a reality that you’ve being turned to another

Peter quoting the prophecy of Joel says that it shall come to pass in
the last days, beloved are you in the last days or last minute and
moment of life that you just want to quit and stop waiting and
holding on to a promise, I say to you hold on for in the last days it
shall come to pass, that promise you’ve being waiting for long, I
assure you that you are coming to the last moment of that promise, it
is coming to pass, live each day in full strength and faith, your
healing is coming to pass, the baby you’re expecting to have for over
fifteen years is coming to pass, for the apostles waited for the
promise, please wait for your promise, if you know you really have a
promise from the Lord wait for it, and the Lord says again in this
last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, He didn’t say I
will give my Spirit, He says I will pour out my Spirit, to give is
in measure but to pour is without measure, that’s why I believe that
God will do more this days than He has ever done, there will be more
healings, salvations, breakthroughs, indeed More of God, if there are
times when we need the more of God I think its now, when you have the
more of God, the more of the enemy would not matter to you, for the
Apostles despite the threatening by the enemy they were still bold,
and in this last days there will be the manifestation of true visions
and dreams, you will see young men carrying the vision of God, you
will see young men fulfilling prophecies, that’s why my Dear Brother
Bunmi Ebenezer is carrying a vision, all these comes when the more of
God is released into a man, live your day carrying the more or the
extra that sets you above the ordinary. Go out and win the day in
Jesus Name, Amen

Sam Nmeholam
International Campus Crusades for Christ (Iccc)

Thursday, March 6, 2008


There is always a point where we have to let go. We work, we pray, we look forward to big events and life-changing experiences, but then there is always that point where we just have to let go and let time and events take their course. You can't control everything and that has always been one of my greatest challenges in life -- letting go. There are so many things we can control in our lives that some of us feel we can simply will anything into existence, but this doesn't always work.
Probably the hardest challenge in letting go is when our goals, plans, and dreams involve other people. When our future is tied to someone else and s/he is unwilling or lacks the vision or courage to go where we want to go, what can we do? Do we halt our development and progression to wait on this other person to catch up? Do we run on and leave them behind? Or is there some other happy medium? We can't force someone else to see our vision, to follow our path. Arguing and pressuring only serve to drive them to dig in their heels, or worse, run in the opposite direction.
When we think of how God leads us in our lives, we find the answer. Firmness, not force is the key. God never gives in or wavers in his course, but he is long-suffering and ever-willing to take us back. We, as He, must be firm in our convictions, steadfast, focused and committed. Leading others up the path of truth requires love, patience, gentleness, diligence, meekness -- and yes, time.
How many times have we messed up and Jesus is still there waiting and willing -- standing at the door and knocking if we will but let him in? He never beats the door down. He never even picks the lock and sneaks in through manipulation. He doesn't shout, belittle or guilt-trip us from the other side of the door. He simply patiently stands there and knocks until the time arrives that we have the ears to hear the knocking and the willingness and courage to open the door.
Jesus knows that force, manipulation, power games, and dominion will never lead someone else to the light. Love, service, patient teaching and a good example will do more to soften hearts and shape lives than any argument or debate. Is there someone you love who is chosing the wrong paths? Are they digging in their heels when you would really like them to join you on your walk up the path of truth? Then, follow Christ's example. Be His partner in this endeavor. Be an instrument in his hands to help your friend or loved one hear the knocking. Take the time to teach them to listen and hear the tapping. When the time is right for them, take their hand and walk with them to open the door through which more joy and happiness than they ever dreamed possible exists.
The beautiful thing about this process is that as we strain to hear Christ at the door for our friend's sake, we hear Him ourselves. As we take our friend's hand to walk with them to the door we can't help but arrive at the door ourselves. And when our friend opens the door, we will be there to feel the flood of joy and happiness that flows as Christ enters