To know him and get closer to him day after day...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Text- Daniel 1:8 “But Daniel made up his mind that he would not defile himself with the king’s choice food or with the wine which he drank; so he sought permission from the commander of the officials that he might notdefile himself”.(NASB)
Introduction- Beloved I realized practically that the distance between a man and his success and failure is just decision, a lot of young people are confused and having incisions in their lives just because they’ve not being to a point in their life where they settle for something with all resolution, in some business deals or in some natural issues of life you would come to a point where friends and colleagues would like to know whether you have the mind or whether you have the mental capacity and ability to stand the aftermath of a choice you’ve made. For every choice you will make in life there seems to be the trouble or the challenge that comes with the choice, so do not make the choice and live in forgetfulnessof the challenges of that choice. If you want to get married there are the challenges of those who are married, you made a choice to go to school there are the challenges of those who are going to school, your ability to come on top on the choice you’ve made is in conquering the challenges posed by that choice. Here is the problem with most men, they are not real and practical, they’ve come to like fantasies, they like to chase the shadows and not the real thing, for it takes guts to chase the real thing, to stand out and set a standard on how things should be run, that’s why King David told Solomon to show himself a man when it comes to the matters of the kingdom, may I remind you sir that your destiny is a matter of the kingdom, for every man must rise to seek and become that very man that God made before the fall.
Here was Daniel and some of his friends in a strange land, for they were carried away captive to Babylon a land with a culture that is against godliness or the life of God, the level of sexual immorality was high, the worship of idols, anything that takes the place of God in your life is an idol, for the word says ‘And thou shall not worship any other godbeside me for I the Lord I’m a jealous God’. Babylon is a city where men worshipped their cars, wives, children, dresses, money, business, education, to worship is to give absolute and undivided attention to a particular thing and to pledge unequivocal allegiance to it, its truly the picture of our present day, Babylon is fallen but its still standing in the heart of men, these are days when pornography and illicit deals occupy the hearts of men, and may I say this your greatness is not in your connection or affiliation to Babylon but in your connection to God, so the question is who should have your loyalty and attention, in all of these we are told that a young man and his friends had a determination or made up their mind not to live by the culture of their day because of their destiny, but to live by the culture of God’s word, for without decision they would have severe incision in the matters of their destiny, are you sure that the incisions you are having or you will yet have are not the direct consequence of your indecision, the word says ‘And Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself’, now the word ‘defile himself’ is the Greek word di-logos which means double tongued or twisted life or a divided life so the decision Daniel made was not to divide himself or to twist his destiny, my Master says that a house divided against itself cannot stand, no matter how strong you are, the moment you are divided within yourself you will surely go down, when men who are financially strong no more understand the principle of contentment and composure and desires to live a loose life they will surely go down in their finances, the issue of not having self division is a personal thing, for Daniel purposed in his HEART, or made up his MIND, Dear your mind has to be made up to lead a prayerful life, a praiseful life, a thankful life, a loveful(full of love) life, a wordful life(full of the word), a prosperous life, a holy life, a life devoted to God alone, for Phil 2:15 ‘ that ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world’. The Lord says let your light so shine before men, that they might see… we live in a world full of darkness, that’s why the Christian is important because he gives light to men, in anything we are doing we are the lights, the examples that men in darkness will see and turn to God. I say to you, if you meet darkness don’t be dark, dispel it, by letting your lights shine exceedingly, express what the Lord has bestowed on you, this day I pray you make up your mind (Josh.24:15) not to defile yourself, and everything that has caused incisions and divided your life shall receive the mercy of the Lord.
Sam Nmeholam
International Campus Crusades for Christ ICCC